I threw a party to celebrate Heidi Howland's Birthday; other things celebrated were Fred's graduation, Sarah's birthday, and summer. In summary, I out-did anything I had done before.

Well over fifty people showed up, perhaps more than sixty people even. This time we advertised with social networking Web services, specifically The Facebook and MySpace. This brought in old friends, friends of friends, siblings, and even random people (some of these random people recognized me as their grader from a class). Aside from the party throwers themselves (Dan Moga, Fred Howland, Mike DiStaula, Matt Horan, and of course myself), most people showed up around 8:00PM.

The original intent was to have two live bands; of course, this did not work out (maybe next time I'll get Silencio to play). To replace the live band I "hired" Fred as a DJ. Rather than combining his CD collection with mine (and Matt's and DiStaula's, plus others), we just used whatever music we had previously put on DiStaula's laptop, hooked directly into the amp.

Music has always been an issue at parties, and this time was no exception. We started off with a playlist that Fred made, but after an hour Fred went out into the party proper to mingle, eat, and drink. Exponentially, people came over and added to the playlist; this in itself was fine. The problems arose when people ignored the simple rules of DJ'ing a party (actual DJs may disregard these as needed):
- Do not cut off a song part-way though.
- Do not remove other people's songs from the playlist. Re-arranging them is fine, of course.
- Do not enqueue non-party music.
- Do not repeat songs.

In addition, iTunes did weird things like arbitrarily alphabeticalizing the playlist based on artist.

Somehow an antique firetruck appeared in my backyard a few weeks back. It has working sirens and horn. As you can imagine, this was quite the attraction. If you can, somehow get a working firetruck in your backyard.

We have a large trampoline, which was another big attraction. There was always at least three people on, including the chicks on the trampoline. Despite the alchohol, there was no trampoline-induced vomit. I highly recommend one of these for your next party.

Swimming Pool
A week before it was 97°F; on the day of the party it was 60°F. Despite the chill, at least ten people used the swimming pool. Those who forgot their swimsuit swam in their underwear; those who remembered enjoyed drying off with a towel. Two Matts swam in Speedos. Sadly, no one swam nude.

On the funny-uh-oh side: Fred was drop-kicked by Moga, and Moga found a dead squirrel. Upon seeing the dead squirrel, Sarah exclaimed, "Bring to me a hotdog roll!"

Matt Horan pulled through to amazing levels; he showed up with his car filled with food: hamburgers, hotdogs, cheese, rolls for the hamburgers and hotdogs, mixed snacks, twelve 2-liter bottles of Coca-Cola, eight 2-liter bottles of Moutain Dew, and a thirty-rack of Sunkist. Much loved and appreciated by everyone.
Moga took over the grill, breaking the handle in the process. He's quite the great chef.

I provided pretzels, Jax, and Tostitos, with mild and medium salsa.

We had been discussing the keg for weeks beforehand, and by Thursday we had decided on a ¼ keg. Friday night and Saturday we discovered just how many people were coming, and
Mosier decided to run
drinking games. This lead to the decision to get a ½ keg (Mosier and Moga convinced Fred of this) and to charge $5/cup.

This was the right decision: a profit was made and the keg was empty by midnight (at which point we discovered that kegs float in the swimming pool). To enforce and motivate the $5/cup rule, DiStaula was the Kegmaster, complete with funny hat and a real rent-a-cop pin that says "Police & Security". He was an excellent Kegmaster.

To cool the keg we used Matt's industrial chiller, obviously.

Soon after the keg ran out, people left. Next time we'll need at least two ½ kegs.

On our deck is a Chiminea, which was lit. We wanted it next to the trampoline. The solution: wrap a towel around it and have Moga carry it, while lit, next to the trampoline. It's okay, he's a Marine!

The Chiminea was a big hit, both because of the chilly weather (especially after swimming) and because Petey-poo brought three bags of marshmallows.

I only had simple fireworks lying around, so we lit sparklers, those snake things, and other ground-dwelling fireworks. Sparkler swordfighting was fun. For next time, we should get stuff that can blow people's hands off.

When J.D. Leone showed up he made a bee-line to the go-kart. I figured that he'd drive around in the backyard, perhaps in the giant field behind the pool. Nope—he drove right into the street! Five minutes later the local police showed up and told us not to ride in the street, "and, uh, turn down the music, I guess."

Tags: party, heidi, birthday