83 Elm St.
Back on August 13th, 2005 I went alone to the Elm St. Benefit, with 13 bands perfoming to raise money for the burned-down 83 Elm St. They also had a bake-sale!
Wild Zero
Excited, young punk band. Fun and good.
I only remember that they were mediocre; I wish I remembered why. Sorry.
Big Bear
They shocked their fans by doing very faithful Weezer covers. I later saw the same band members in Polaris Mine and my guess is that the Weezer covers were part of a very sick joke.
Tiny Amps
Good rock.
Tramps Like Us
Pop punk. Gah.
The vocalist/guitarist from Mad Man Films on vocals with the vocalist/guitarist from Tiny Amps on guitar. Really good rock.
Modelo '78
They were missing half the band, including the bassist, so I thought they sucked. They might rock when the whole band is together, though. (Perhaps not—the drummer looked very bored with his work.)
Mad Man Films
One of the greatest rock bands of Boston. This is a fact.
Prime Movers
Mediocre rock. Good, but bored me at times.
Certainly, Sir
Great, danceable techno-rock!
The drummer wore a Slint t-shirt and they played post rock really, really well. For their last song they swapped out everyone but the drummer, called the band a different name (I couldn't hear it), and played even better post rock (apparently this was the first time that group had played together in six years).
Victory at Sea
Pretty good, sounded slightly like the Dresden Dolls.
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