Cotton Ponies, The National, Pela, Charlene
At least the Cotton Ponies were good.
Last night Matt and I went to TT The Bear's to see Cotton Ponies and anyone who wanted to headline for them. We left early, after The National got three songs in.
Cotton Ponies
Good post rock from some people who seemed serious about their music. The guitarists (no bassist) were really good and knew what they were doing. The most I can say about the drummer is that she could keep a beat. This is quite important, and not to be looked down upon, but also less impressive than the drummer for Pela.

This band would be worth the $9 if another good band played with them; if it was just this band alone, it'd be worth $7. Definitely a band to see again.

A boring, whiny emo band.

A boring, whiny emo band with a yeah dude as the lead vocalist. However, the drummer not only held the band together but also threw some life into the music. Get this drummer out of the band and into something good.

The National
I have a strict policy when deciding whether a band sucks: I'll give any live performance two-and-a-half songs, any album three songs, and any demo from the band two songs. By the end of their first song I realized that they weren't going to last the full two-and-a-half, but I gave it to them anyway and was right. Boring moaning about lost love or something.

Follow Cotton Ponies, get the drummer from Pela, and stop whining.

Tags: upcoming:21154, cottonponies, thenational, pela, charlene, livemusic
Last night Matt and I went to TT The Bear's to see Cotton Ponies and anyone who wanted to headline for them. We left early, after The National got three songs in.
Cotton Ponies
Good post rock from some people who seemed serious about their music. The guitarists (no bassist) were really good and knew what they were doing. The most I can say about the drummer is that she could keep a beat. This is quite important, and not to be looked down upon, but also less impressive than the drummer for Pela.

This band would be worth the $9 if another good band played with them; if it was just this band alone, it'd be worth $7. Definitely a band to see again.

A boring, whiny emo band.

A boring, whiny emo band with a yeah dude as the lead vocalist. However, the drummer not only held the band together but also threw some life into the music. Get this drummer out of the band and into something good.

The National
I have a strict policy when deciding whether a band sucks: I'll give any live performance two-and-a-half songs, any album three songs, and any demo from the band two songs. By the end of their first song I realized that they weren't going to last the full two-and-a-half, but I gave it to them anyway and was right. Boring moaning about lost love or something.

Follow Cotton Ponies, get the drummer from Pela, and stop whining.

Tags: upcoming:21154, cottonponies, thenational, pela, charlene, livemusic
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