Cracktorch, Broken, The Lot Six
On June 30th Matt and I found the Cambridge Elk's Lodge to figure out who was playing and how much it cost. We ended up getting some awesome hard rock as a result.
Synthesizer, meet hard rock. You two will get along quite well in the hands of Campaign for Real Time.
One of the most enthusiastic and excited bands I've seen. If someone was at the merchandise table I would've bought their album.
Another one of the most enthusiastic and exited bands I've seen. The musicians played well and the vocalist really got into the vocals.
Not quite as enthusiastic and excited as when I first saw them, but still amazing. A mosh pit formed which nearly took out the cute chick with the camera. They played past closing time (early—11PM) even though the management turned on all the lights and made a big scene about the show being over.
Tags: livemusic, thelotsix, burytheneedle, campaignforrealtime, upcoming:20641
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