Friday, May 27, 2005

Juliette and the Licks, The Beatings, and Parker Hill

Matt, Dan, and myself went to T.T. the Bear's Place for The Beatings, and ended up enjoying a wild show.

Angela Ciplik, drummer

Parker Hill

Before the show, my friend Steve Lord found me and asked if I was here for The Beatings. "My band is on first", he said. I told him that they better not suck.

Anyway, they sucked. The drums were too loud and the music sounded not together enough. Sarah thinks they should get rid of the vocalist.

Angela Lee sings while Steve Lord carefully plays guitar

The Beatings

I'm still in lust with Erin Dalbec. In addition, they're a good band who obviously feels comfortable on the stage.

E.R. destroyed his guitar at the end of the show

Juliette and the Licks

I had never heard of this band, but apparently many, many people have; Sarah had come to see Juliette, since she is in love with her. Juliette is Juliette Lewis, a well-known actress who decided to start a rock band instead.

They were really wild and exciting. I think they mostly played covers, but she was so enthusiastic that the audience was willing to listen to anything she sang. The Licks, her backup band, were the perfect backing band for her frenzy.

I probably wouldn't buy their album, but I would definitely see them again.


I met a pretty girl named Sarah at the show; she kept bumping into me during The Beatings and shared her excitement for Juliette with me. She turned out to be really cool and likes lots of good music, so I hope I bump into her at another show. (And if she finds this: hi!)

A pretty chick I met at the concert

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