AdFrank & The Fast Easy Women, Les Sans Culottes, Ziaf, World's Greatest Sinners
On Friday (two days ago now) I met up with Sarah at TT The Bear's to see some good bands and some okay bands.
World's Greatest Sinners
A fun jazz band. Even their slow songs got fast, so people were dancing and shouting and generally having fun. The vocalist had a surprisingly deep voice for a female, but it sounded good against the backing music. The band was tight, as all jazz groups should be, and music and vocals seemed to be considered equal among the band members. Definitely worth seeing.

A beautiful French woman sang traditional-sounding French songs, in French, against a pianist and drummer. In a different setting it might have made me feel sophisticated and smart, but in this setting it made me anxious for something harder. This is where Sarah showed up, which is a bummer because she missed the fun around World's Greatest Sinners.

Les Sans Culottes
Attractive French women in cheerleader outfits (with "their" name on the shirt, too—Celine Dijon and Bonnie Day) singing poppy rock songs in French. The audience loved them, causing dancing all around and a good time for all. They ended with a cover of These Boots Were Made for Walking. The backing band was also quite good but easily de-emphasized by the attractive vocalists in short skirts and knee-high boots.
This is the first band I've seen do an encore when they're opening. I have no idea how they expected to pull it off, but it was fun regardless.

AdFrank & The Fast Easy Women
They had a catwalk where the guitarist did a solo, which was awesome. The vocalist would come out onto the catwalk during every song to get closer to the audience. The first song was good, the second was the same, and by the third we were sick of it. They did at least two overly-dramatic encores (we left).

Les Sans Culottes and World's Greatest Sinners are worth seeing again; Ziaf and AdFrank & The Fast Easy Women are not.
Also, Sarah and I discovered that Hi-Fi Pizza and Subs does close. Shock and disbelief all around.

Tags: upcoming:21153, ziaf, adfrankandthefasteasywomen, lessansculottes, celinedijon, worldsgreatestsinners, livemusic
World's Greatest Sinners
A fun jazz band. Even their slow songs got fast, so people were dancing and shouting and generally having fun. The vocalist had a surprisingly deep voice for a female, but it sounded good against the backing music. The band was tight, as all jazz groups should be, and music and vocals seemed to be considered equal among the band members. Definitely worth seeing.

A beautiful French woman sang traditional-sounding French songs, in French, against a pianist and drummer. In a different setting it might have made me feel sophisticated and smart, but in this setting it made me anxious for something harder. This is where Sarah showed up, which is a bummer because she missed the fun around World's Greatest Sinners.

Les Sans Culottes
Attractive French women in cheerleader outfits (with "their" name on the shirt, too—Celine Dijon and Bonnie Day) singing poppy rock songs in French. The audience loved them, causing dancing all around and a good time for all. They ended with a cover of These Boots Were Made for Walking. The backing band was also quite good but easily de-emphasized by the attractive vocalists in short skirts and knee-high boots.
This is the first band I've seen do an encore when they're opening. I have no idea how they expected to pull it off, but it was fun regardless.

AdFrank & The Fast Easy Women
They had a catwalk where the guitarist did a solo, which was awesome. The vocalist would come out onto the catwalk during every song to get closer to the audience. The first song was good, the second was the same, and by the third we were sick of it. They did at least two overly-dramatic encores (we left).

Les Sans Culottes and World's Greatest Sinners are worth seeing again; Ziaf and AdFrank & The Fast Easy Women are not.
Also, Sarah and I discovered that Hi-Fi Pizza and Subs does close. Shock and disbelief all around.

Tags: upcoming:21153, ziaf, adfrankandthefasteasywomen, lessansculottes, celinedijon, worldsgreatestsinners, livemusic
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